Simple Checkers

About checkers

Checkers, also known as Drafts, is a board game where you can jump over your opponent's pieces and compete.

Sometimes referred to as Western Go in Japan, it is one of the popular games worldwide.

There are international drafts that use a 10x10 board and English drafts that use an 8x8 board, but the term 'checkers' is generally used to refer to the British version of the game, also known as British drafts.

Rules (British drafts)

Use a chess board (8x8 board) and 12 pieces each, and move the pieces using only the black squares.

The pieces are held by two players using one of black, red, and white, and the first move is in this color order (darker color order).

Place pieces in the black squares up to the third row and start the game.

Initial placement of checker pieces
Initial placement of checker pieces

Pieces can be moved diagonally forward to an empty black square.

The piece that reaches the opponent's stage becomes the "King" and can move diagonally backward.

Also, if there is an opponent's piece in a movable diagonal square and the other side is an empty square with one opponent's piece in between, your piece can jump over the opponent's piece and take it.

If you can take the opponent's piece, you must take it.

Then, if there is an opponent's piece that can be taken continuously with that piece after taking it, the player will take the piece continuously as it is without changing the turn.

In this way, the player who has taken all the pieces or has no pieces to move is defeated.